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QuickCare by eVisit

4.6 ( 1456 ratings )
Здоровье и фитнес
Разработчик Spork Labs

See a medical provider anytime, anywhere from the comfort of home. Youre just one click away from mobile care!

Common Ailments Treated:

Sinus infections, cold, flu, cough, fever, and allergies
Short term-prescriptions and Rx refills
Urinary tract infections
Pediatric fever, advice, or other issues
Vomiting and diarrhea
Sexually transmitted diseases
Sports injuries, athletes foot
Smoking cessation
Back pain
Skin issues, rashes, bites
Eye conditions
Breastfeeding questions
General medical questions, "Should I go in for this or not?"

Powered by eVisit, a secure, HIPAA-compliant telehealth solution for patients and providers.